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Ayurveda - The Mother of All Medicine
Workshop on basic principles in German language. We were invited by Yoga in Daily Life in Klagenfurt in Carinthia and Linz in Oberösterreich, Austria.
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Pulse diagnostics and Arthritis
What we can learn from our pulse with special focus an arthritis - Free Ayurveda lecture by Dr. Sushrut Sardeshmuknk from Ayurveda college BSDT - Ayurved Mahavidyala Vishwashanti Dam. Join us on 5 April, 2018 at 17:00 at the Indian Embassy in Vienna.
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Menopause from the Perspective of Ayurveda
Dr. Sukumar Sardeshmukh from BSDT´s Atharva Ayurveda Wagholi/ Pune/ Maharashtra spoke in a lecture series about this topic in Salzburg/Austria (8.3.2018), Zagreb/Croatia (29.5.2018) and Strilky/Czech Republic (1.6.2018)